YouTube is the number one video service available online and has more than a billion users. The number of views has surpassed a view rate of 1 billion per day. Imagine a billion audiences for your product per day! That’s the astonishing part of YouTube. Small and large enterprises make the best use of this to take their business revenue to greater heights.
For a small enterprise, or for an individual investing into advertisement for the product will be costlier and hence this article gives genuine ways of increasing the number of YouTube views, so that, the video of your idea or the product reach more audience. It might be just to share your video with the world or to promote your idea or business; here are the best tips for getting more YouTube Viewers.
Avoid Wrong Moves
It might seem weird to start with negative things first, but it is very important to appreciate the concern. A single wrong move (in terms of ways of getting more YouTube audience) can damage your product reputation; your business will be at stake. The following are the most important Don’ts list to be kept in mind always before trying to increase the number of audience/views for a particular YouTube video.
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Never trick your audience. YouTube video views should always be genuine and the user should initiate the view with the genuine purpose of watching the video. Do not place video URLs in deceptive webpage elements. Redirecting to your video in between a click generated from a person. It might be taken lightly but if it gets flagged, your YouTube account and also reputation will be at stake.
The last thing to avoid is to purchase viewers so that the number of views increases. It might be tempting to invest a little (20$ for 20,000 views) for the big results. But this can surely be identified by the Google services and the effects can be seen immediately. Your video might not appear in search results; sometimes the video will be removed by YouTube, ending up with nothing other than the dust of the summer wind. Also, when third party services are being used to promote your video, make sure about their process of publicizing your video. Do not let your niche product or reputation in unsafe hands.
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The Right Moves to Attract (more) Viewers and retain them
Get the right content. If the purpose of the video is to showcase a product, put 100% effort in creating the video contents. What is shown and what is said matters. Sharing niche information which impresses the audiences, showcasing the passion for your idea or the product and the efforts and the benefits are some of the voiding blocks of great video. Never compromise on the quality of the contents and the video. It makes no sense to race with a blown-out tyre. Ignorance during editing mistakes uncorrected before uploading will take back the audience as they see a lack of effort and creates suspicion on the other information in the video.
Thumbnails, the Title of the video, and the description of the video are a few tools you should master at to get the right audience. The tools still should be very relevant to the content (Do not use a thumbnail of harry Potter for a Cookery video – it will backfire soon, harshly) so that user and you both are in a win-win situation. The video should have quotations which help in search results and also to add more value for the tags you have added for the video. Get the video reviewed on multiple platforms, devices, and at other resolutions.
Facebook has 20% of the world population. The first step of promoting videos can be sharing in social media sites. The initial feedback can be used to improve the quality and tune the video to get even better. Timing the YouTube video and publicity in social media is also important as when the video is just released it can soon become viral with more and more views. Maintain a bog consistently and you can always backlink video in the blog and blog in the video. It increases the reliability of the video.
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Good background music will keep the audience hooked up to the video for some more time. It is a very helpful filler for white spaces in the video. Politely ask the users to subscribe, like, and share the video. Display your other videos’ list at end of the current video in an attempt to hold the customer in the store, for a little time more.