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Best Web Hosting For Small Business

An Objective Comparison of In-House Hosting and Cloud-Based Hosting

Compared to In-House Hosting Cloud-Based Hosting

So, which is better? Which is superior? What should you embrace to support your business and which should you look down on? Well, my dear reader, the answer could be either one of them and neither as it is a decision completely up to you. Both the zones these two hosts stand on are neither black nor white.

They both have pros as well as cons and it is up to you to weigh up these positive and negative aspects carefully to ensure that you choose the right one fit to suit the wants, needs, and competence of your business. So, let me guide you through this gray mist to take a closer look to compare and contrast the two potential options in-house hosting and cloud-based hosting.

In-House Hosting

In House Hosting

A few years back in the past, if you asked a professional, “Which is a better solution for my small business, in-house hosting, or cloud-based hosting?” There was a high probability for the answer given then to be in-house hosting though, in the current world of digital advancement, you might get the answer cloud-based hosting.

This is because you need to have the financial resources to purchase the needed hardware and the expertise to ensure the security and smooth operation of those hosting equipment and systems if you are to choose in-house hosting while the upfront costs are relatively much lesser in cloud-based hosting. So, in-house hosting might be a good choice for large businesses in the world today.

Be the Boss

You are the boss when it comes to in-house hosting. You have complete control over the data of your business. You know exactly where your data is and who, what, why and when relevant them will be the decision of yours. You also have control over the choice of hardware, the operating environment as well as the software, and this helps you to manage the storage space and performance of your operation more effectively. Most importantly, you wouldn’t be contractually bound to a second party who might or might not have control over your whole system of data.


This is a factor that could be fairly argued on both ends where both in-house hosting and cloud-based hosting have their own benefits that pull the rope to their sides. When it comes to in-house hosting, being able to preserve critical data and information in in-house where the access of an unauthorized 3rd party would be near to impossible is indeed a heavyweight lift of the shoulders.


You wouldn’t have to be dependent on the internet to access your won data and this would be both costs effective and much efficient.


I mentioned at the very beginning that in-house hosting is a better solution for a bigger business as the cost of capital and the maintenance is much higher compared to cloud-based hosting but the tables would turn if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Then, you would see this is a classic buying vs renting situation as you would have to pay a hosting fee once-a-month for cloud-based hosting which would add up in the long run and might ultimately exceed the capital investment as well as the maintenance fees we discussed earlier.

In-house hosting might seem like a better solution for a solid and grounded business at glance but it is not without drawbacks of its own.

Capital Expenditure and more

As I mentioned earlier, in-house hosting requires a much larger capital investment in hardware and infrastructure as it is needed to be build up from the ground up or bought and this makes it harder for the small and even medium businesses to afford. Even if you are an owner of a large firm your business, like all the successful businesses in the modern world, will be both expanding and changing so you would have to constantly upgrade your hosting capabilities to keep up with the needs of that growth too.


You would need to hire technical skills, at least part-time, for the maintains of both hardware and software which needed to be working smoothly around the clock.

Data Loss

In-house hosting is much vulnerable to data loss if a disaster situation occurs and how often you back up the data offsite will reflect how much data you’ll lose in an emergency. It is an utmost vital thing in an in-house hosting set-up is to ensure that you are not only securing and backing up your data regularly but also testing your backups to ensure they are in working order should you ever need to restore it.

Maintenance of Security

Though in-house hosting is considered as the most secure option, it will only be as secure as the firewall solution at the physical or virtual entry point which you choose to purchase and it is also needed to manage, maintain and update regularly to show its best performance.

So, in short, be your own boss comes with its own benefits and drawbacks and it’s completely up to you to weigh those with the needs and wants of your own business.

Cloud-Based Hosting

Cloud Based Hosting

Cloud-based hosting is starting to become more and more prevalent amongst small and medium-sized businesses in the current world than it was a few years in the past due to the noteworthy decrease of the overall costs which suggests cloud-based solutions to be the best available cost-effective alternative for in-house solutions though cost-effectiveness is just one of its benefits.


Capital investment is comparatively minimum in cloud-based hosting as you wouldn’t need to purchase any onsite hardware as well as software needed to run that hardware.

You wouldn’t have to re-build your infrastructure every time your company outgrows it and hosting your data in the cloud would also eliminate the need for hardware refreshes which most businesses have to do every three to five years, as this becomes the cloud provider’s responsibility.


With cloud-based hosting, you are relieved of the stress of the maintenance as it is the responsibility of the cloud provider.


With cloud-based hosting, you are provided with a pay-as-you-go model, which makes it easy for you to scale the services and resources up or down as needed. This is much suitable for companies in progress as you will be needed to add more resources as goes by, and you can just as effortlessly scale the resources back when they are not needed. Within both of these cases, your monthly fees will get adjusted accordingly.

Work from Home

Your workers can work from anywhere as long as they are with a working internet connection if you have a cloud-based hosting in place. They would also be able to connect to the data on the cloud using any computer, tablet, or even a smartphone provided they are authorized to do so.


Cloud providers host their infrastructures where they have both constant power and internet access. They use several internet service providers to ensure they get relentless internet access and the power is usually sourced at least by two providers and backed up with battery backups and generators.

Backing Up

You can back up your data in the cloud so easily, regularly, and with almost no effort which would minimize the data losses in a significant manner.

Up to Date Security

While in-house hosting is wildly considered as the most secure option, most cloud providers try their best to up the game by offering real-time security updates and patches to you and it’s important to verify whether that’s included in your monthly service when you choose your provider.

The benefits of this mainly go for small businesses as they would get both modern and efficient security solutions that they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise.

There never has been a one-solution-fits-all model and cloud-based hosting is no exception. while it comes with many benefits, it is not completely without drawbacks too.

Security Issues

Though cloud-based hosting is trying its best to keep up with the security, it’s no secret that the cloud providers are the main target of hackers and there is the possibility of third-party cloud services having direct access to your data.

That’s why it’s important to verify whether real-time security updates are included in your monthly service when selecting a provider or your data might be vulnerable.


As a client of a cloud-based hosting service, you would be constantly depending on the internet to upload as well as download data and the speed of your work would be mainly determined by the speed of the internet connection you are working with.


The access to your data will completely cutoff if the internet went down either on your side or the side of the cloud provider. This is among the major setbacks of cloud-based hosting when compared with the in-house hosting.

Cost Management

While cloud-based hosting could save you money in most parts through its on-demand and scalable nature, this same system could make it difficult to outline and predict amounts of costs and you would need a better cost management system to keep up with it.

Lack of Expertise

With the increasing workloads uploading to the clouds the providers of the cloud-based hosting services are also rapidly advancing their technologies and this, in turn, makes it hard for the organizations to keep up with the tools.

Will go for a Conclusion Simply about above all Facts…

When determining whether it makes more sense to migrate your company’s infrastructure to a cloud-based hosting set up or keep in an in-house hosting setup, make sure to clear your mind and weigh all the aspects involved to know the benefits as well as setbacks of each.

No one can give you the choice without knowing exactly what, how, where, and why of your business. Ultimately, your choice should be to push forward your expected progress and by increasing the overall success of your company.

Hi, I'm Michael, a research writer with expertise in technology, education, business, finance, insurance, real estate, and legal insights. My goal is to share the newest updates and trends from these industries with you.

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